
Making Comment box under the posts

Sunday, February 20

To make your post embedded by comment box, it can directly appears on your post. so a person visiting a blog you can directly comment on the your blog.

Here's how to make blogger comment box under the posts.

1. Login to http://draft.blogger.com, Remember that http://draft.blogger.com not blogger.com.
2. Then to the Settings menu -> Comments. Then replace the "Comment Form Placement"to "Embedded below post" (see picture below)

3. Then click "Save Settings"

Now let you see your blog and try to click on one of your posts and then see the results, whether there was a distinguished commentary box under the post or not. when it means the pace enough here. If you do not, follow these steps.
(this is because the HTML code tiap2 template is different. For the default template of a new blogger, has changed their HTML code, while the long-template or retrieve from the outside there who have not and there is also a distinguished already).

4. Next go to "Layout -> Edit HTML"
5. Put a check box "Expand widget templates".
6. Then find the following code:

<p class='comment-footer'>
<a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'>
<data:postCommentMsg/> </ a>
</ p>
</ b: if>

7. Then replace the code with the code below:

<p class='comment-footer'>
<b:if cond='data:post.embedCommentForm'>
<b:include data='post' name='comment-form'/>
<b:if <b:else/> cond='data:post.allowComments'>
<a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'>
<data:postCommentMsg/> </ a>
</ b: if> </ b: if> </ p> </ b: if>

8. Then save your template.

Then see the results on your blog, the comment box will appear on your posts (For those who succeed).

Hopefully helpful


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